3RD Buxton Scouts

3RD Buxton Scouts

About 3RD Buxton Scouts

3rd Buxton Scout Group is a thriving Scout Group offering fantastic Scouting to boys and girls from 6 to 14 years. We have an enthusiastic leadership team which enables us to run a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack and a Scout Troop. These sections are run by a dedicated group of Adult leaders supported by Young Leaders who are Explorer Scouts. Our Values: Integrity – We say what we mean and when we make a promise, we keep it Respect – We listen to others, explore our differences and work to find common ground. Care – Scouts are friends to all and think of others before themselves. Belief – We believe passionately in improving the lives and life chances of young people and helping them to explore and develop their beliefs and attitudes. Cooperation – Scouting is about teamwork. We believe that when we work together, we achieve more than we can on our own. Our Methods: Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and enjoy what they are doing and have fun; take part in activities indoors and outdoors; learn by doing; share in spiritual reflection; take responsibility and make choices; undertake new and challenging activities; make and live by their Promise. The Scouting Programme for all sections is based around three main themes; outdoor and adventure, world and skills. In each section a range of badges and awards support all aspects of Scouting, including the main themes: leadership, teamwork and persona development. The Programme is delivered in a balanced way that incorporates elements from each theme, to offer young people the most interesting and diverse experience.

Jobs at 3RD Buxton Scouts