Derbyshire Dales CVS

Derbyshire Dales CVS

Derbyshire Dales

About Derbyshire Dales CVS

Derbyshire Dales CVS exists to promote strong, sustainable and healthy communities through voluntary and community action. It does this by supporting voluntary and community groups in the Derbyshire Dales, promoting the needs of communities and the work of the voluntary and community sector at a strategic level and by running projects that support disadvantaged people and communities. DDCVS provides information, advice, training and support to local groups and carries out community development work that aims to build social capital and improve the life chances of people through training, activities and community participation.

We work in the largest and most rural district in Derbyshire, an area which is affected by issues such as lack of affordable housing, poor access to services and an ageing population. Much of our work is aimed at tackling these problems. We also work in partnership with local government and other agencies to shape the delivery of services. Partnerships help to ensure that we have a coherent and coordinated approach to tackling local needs.

Jobs at Derbyshire Dales CVS